Values and Ethos
School Vision - Learning and Caring Together
Perseverance Compassion Friendship
The most important commandment is ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and with all your mind.’
The second most important commandment is ‘Love your neighbour as you love yourself.’
(Mark 12:29-31)
We learn to love ourselves, each other, our community and our world; we enable all learners to develop their individual spirituality by engaging them on a learning journey.
Learning & Caring Together - Mission Statement
We will endeavour to raise the achievement and aspirations of every child.
To fulfil our mission statement, we believe in three core values, which we base our whole school around.
Children feel able to take risks and meet challenges in order to succeed.
Children acknowledge that all individuals have valuable gifts to offer; we learn from each other.
Children work with each other in harmony developing good communication.
Enriching our Curriculum
We believe in offering a wide range of experiences for the children at our school to enhance and enrich the curriculum. You can see these in the slideshow below. You can click the thumbnails below for a version as well.